Dick And His Cat Logo

Dick And His Cat

Poor Dick, run out of his village for introducing his bits to the local nutter’s daughter, heads off, with his trusty Dom cat to the big bright lights of London, don’t think he has ever seen Eastenders!

Seeking employment as a security guard at Alderman Fitztightly’s stores, Dick comes to the attention of the nasty, evil pimp, king Rat, who is trying to bankrupt the Fitztightly’s.

Dicks adventure, aided by Dame Betty Swallocks, her dim son Idle Jack and a lovely fairy, sees him travel across the seas seeking rewards of gold.

Will Dick be able to save the Fitztightly’s business and win the hand of the beautiful Alice? Will the evil King Rat be defeated or will his plans of opening the city’s biggest brothel prevail?

Join us and find out!

This show contains bad language, sexual references and adult humour, it’s bloody funny though!

Dick And His Cat!

The Dearne Playhouse, Goldthorpe

NEW DATE! Friday 8th September



Tickets On Sale Here!

The Little Theatre Doncaster

Tickets On Sale Here!

The Little Theatre Doncaster

Saturday 6th May



Tickets On Sale Here!

The Little Theatre Doncaster

Saturday 6th May



Tickets On Sale Here!

The Lyric, Dinnington

Sunday 7th May



Tickets On Sale Here!
